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It’s undeniable that you need cardio to lose weight. That’s a given. What’s debatable is just how often you should do it, what activity you should choose, what intensity to train at and another thousand other factors that people in the fitness industry can’t seem to agree on.

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There’s so much misinformation in the fitness industry that it’s perfectly understandable why most people who are trying to lose weight end up getting information overload when they’re first starting out.

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There’s a ton of debate about whether one should do cardio in a fasted state or not. Some fitness experts swear by it, while others say that it doesn’t make a difference and affects performance adversely.

So, who is right?

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HIIT stands for high intensity interval training and it is without a doubt the best way to get your body to burn as much fat as possible in a given period. The hard truth is that weight loss is a slow process.

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This is an extremely difficult question to answer because there is no ‘one-size-fits all’ approach when it comes to a weight loss program. Every one of us is a unique individual with our own strengths and weaknesses.

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