The Breaking The Chains Ministry & Vision


The Ministry GAP

You don't have to be religious to minister. When you minister to someone, you take care of them.

As a minister what really bothered me was the fact that everyone who came up to me needed prayer for one of two things: a financial problem or a medical problem.

To address this problem, this mission and ministry was born from my personal story of transforming my life and overcoming health issues through change in diet and exercise, and my examination of the diet in correlation to heart disease, diabetes and medication dependency.

Two-thirds of doctors feel inadequately trained in the care of the chronically ill. Specialists are generally unaware of autoimmune diseases or advances in treatment outside their own area of specialty. And mainstream medical approaches (pills, protocols) serve only as a band-aid. They fail to address the larger problem, leading to patients who get sicker and sicker and a medical system that can no longer survive the magnitude of the dilemma—an injustice to all.

Our programs and approach stand firmly on the foundation of Leviticus 17:11a  "For the life of the flesh is in the blood ….”

Appointment GAP

People often do not know how to care for themselves between doctor visits because of the GAP in guidance.

Knowledge GAP

This GAP speaks to both the lack of knowledge in the current healthcare system, and also the knowledge and education that a patient receiving a diagnosis is missing.

There is so much the patient can do once they understand what’s going on in their body, but they cannot support themselves if they are not given this knowledge.

Advocacy GAP

For many with health challenges, there are a myriad of systems to navigate, and no roadmap or training for how to navigate those systems. These patients need support every step of the way—from finding practitioners to advocating for their best interests with family, friends and employers.

Trust GAP

This one is key. When it takes more than 4 doctors over 3 years to finally get a diagnosis, patients start to lose trust in the system that is designed to “do no harm” and to offer health, healing and remedy.

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